Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Update: 782008
Eirwen Entry:
=== Fifth Day ===
19-22: 3 levels 3 hours
B to the Dunes for us. First we tried my old RDM solo camp, then soon made our way to Goblin Hill, only to wonder around after a few kills.
And it's a good thing we did. We went amazingly fast, dinging a level per hour with just the three of us with NIN subbed for Dual Wield. Especially our new jobabilities Quickstep and Animated Flourish have proven to be of much help.
I was using my DEF food I normally use on PLD, and it was nice having such a high DEF and some extra VIT for the extra HP cured on me. But I still believe Black Curry has been the best so far. And I could sure use the extra ACC and RACC as puller.
Next friday, new location. We've talked about Qufim Island, but then Carpenter's Landing as well. I remembered that was a good spot to level BST, so I agreed to throw in the suggestion. So, Qufim worms, or Carpenters' bees and beetles (Yes, I know... high def, Faith ¬_¬). But there are also flytraps and bombs for the extra fun.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Eirwen Entry:
=== Third & Fourth Day === Back to just the Baka Trio dancing their asses off. Haven’t heard of Cyrax and Ichimaru. Us three began our third day of training at the Dunes, where we were killing bunnies. Poor bunnies. Eventually a goblin linked, resulting in Faith eating the white sand. Leveling on the bunnies continues until level 17. On day four, we switched to those flies roaming around everywhere. But the Dunes was heavily camped, so we trained with a mix of goblins and crabs. I tried some different kinds of food over the past few training days. But now that we can use Curing Waltz and I can use Ninja Roll for evasion bonus, I think I’ll stick to the defense food I had laying around the mog house. In the end, we got to level 19. Only one more level away from extra job traits and spells.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Eirwen Entry:
=== Meanwhile ===
Since last static, we've decided to all solo or duo our way to DNC15, cuz it didn't go too well in party formation last time.
Faithful went on ahead to solo her way, and PL-ed Ane and me later that day. After that, Ane and I have been duoing until I had to go to bed, and Ane continued to level with Cyrax. This was all yesterday.
Today, I caught up with Ane's level and we went on leveling together again at Dangruf Wadi. It went well for a while, until we went to an area with T Gobs and/or weaker and had them link. After HPing, we decided to try Ghelsba Outpost, and all went well until Warchief Vatgit. We were eating dirt again. 3rd time for Ane today, cuz she already ate some on her way to Dangruf Wadi.
Right now, Ane's soling her way from 14.5 to 15, and I'm about to head to bed. Meanwhile, I editted some comments with pics, as I had no access to them when I wrote them at work. Looks like we have Lilisette as trainer XD (just a fun extra I make with pics)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th everyone!
Eir Entry:
Me, Ane, and Faith formed a static to level our DNC jobs. Rahal is unamused (left pic).
I took the liberty to look some stuff up regarding Dancer, while being at work. So sum up my findings, I made the last two pics above this thread.
Bounding Boots or it's equivalant were suggested, so we might need to kill Leaping Lizzy for those who have none.
As for me, I might start with /THF, changing to COR and then maybe DRG XD
I forgot to mention the subjob mentioned everywhere: Monk.
Because the Dagger isn’t very effective until higher levels, many players go for hand-to-hand. Attack speed bonus, VIT, HP, Boost, and Dodge all make this a nice subjob until level 10.
=== First Day ===
After Faith an I caught up, we leveled pretty fast. We soon got the hang of things.
First time we died (lv 8?), I switched from /THF to /COR, cuz there was no change in stats. We kept on doing well, until our last defeat at lv 9 atTahrongi Canyon. Our spot wasn't the best camp.
Ane and I leveled up to 10 and I tried Corsair's Roll and got Lucky # 11. I think I'll keep /COR until at least DNC22 and then... dunno. Level COR for more use of it?
So far, /COR and /THF show the same stats and have proven to make me evade more often, yet landing a decent hit with my dagger. As mentioned in many guides, /MNK has proven to be kicking a lot of ass, but it did gave up on some evasion, as Faith Got into the yellow numbers more often than the rest. /WAR has proven to be a decent sub as well, putting Ane between me and Faith.
So far, the best stats have been AGI/EVA, DEX and STR.
=== Second Day ===
Last night, Cyrax caught up with us and joined our little DNC static. We began at East Ronfaure [S], but I caused some aggro on our butts, and we soon found ourselves rampaging around Konschtat Highlands instead.
Leveling didn't go too great. We did manage to get two levels. We had a break when Ane passed out and we were waiting for ages to get a Raise.
When I hit level 12, I found I couldn’t use my Dagger.
Subbing Corsair has still proven to be useful. Weak standard hits though. Luckily I ate my ATK/STR food.
That food doesn't make a good Dancer. The Bream Sushi that Cyrax used looks better, even if it's more expensive. It covers DEX, ACC and VIT.
For next time, Faith suggested we solo our way to 15, as we're getting a big improvement then. My idea is to still party, where we split up in two groups, killing easy mobs for fast XP. Also, Ichimaru will join us next time as a PLD.
Bream Sushi / 10k
DEX+6, VIT+5, Resist Sleep, ACC+16%, RACC+16.
Grilled Hare / 500 gil
STR+2, INT-1, ATK+30%, 3 hrs, unstackable.
Yellow Curry / 4.9k
HP+20, STR+5, AGI+2, INT-4, hHP+2, hMP+1, ATK+20%, RATK+20%, Resist Sleep, Resist Stun, 3 hrs, unstackable.
Waltz Support
Tuna Sushi / 12k
HP+20, DEX+3, CHR+5, Resist Sleep, ACC+15%, RACC+15%.
Tavnazian Taco / 14.1k
HP+20, MP+20, DEX+4, VIT+6, AGI+4, CHR+4, hHP+1, hMP+1, DEF+25%, 30 min, stacks @ 12.
Black Curry / 5k
DEX+2, VIT+4, INT+1, hHP+2, hMP+1, DEF+15%, ACC+5, RACC+5, EVA+5, Resist Sleep, 3 hrs, unstackable.
Herb Crawler Eggs / Ask Faith
HP+6%, MP+10, VIT-1, AGI+3, EVA+8, 3 hrs, unstackable.
Pamama au Lait / 1k
Regen+2, 2 HP/3 seconds, 10 min, 400 total.
Persikos au Lait / 3.3k
Regen+4, 4HP/3 seconds, 10 min, 800 total.
Funny, and good too:
(8k HP+17, STR+3, VIT+2, AGI+1, hHP+2, hMP+2, ACC+5, ATK+20%, RATK+30%, Resist Paralyze, 30 min, stacks @ 12.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Update: 6302008
and they are...
Rank 5 prize: "1" (last digit)--837417 winners.
Rank 4 prize: "44" (last 2 digits)--60461 winners.
Rank 3 prize: "379" (last 3 digits)--6854 winners.
Rank 2 prize: "1017" (last 4 digits)--1234 winners.
Rank 1 prize: "47396" (all 5 digits)--56 winners.
Congrats to Ichimaru on winning a prize.
most everyone in our shell didn't win anything big
well the active ones anyway.
Mission news:
Eirwen, Anemonet, and Faithful completed the current missions for the WotG expansion
which has the best Cutscenes in vana'diel history.
Campaign Op/Medal news:
Anemonet, obtained her Golden Star § § § § tonight, congrats to her :)
WS news:
Today Anemonet broke her 300 WS point limit on her spear of trials. her next step is to go down into the annals of sea serpant grotto and fight her fishy oppoent 'water leaper'
its a tough route. first you have to obtain, a sahagin key, but can't get to it easily.
Cool thing:
nyzul relics look fuckin awesome
i bet everyone in the shell wants >.<
thats all from this front good luck to everyone in thier adventures
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
4 days til Mogbanaza #s are annouced
a recent event was a Broken Linkshell made Dango-Dai the new home of Previous shell Odin Artist. So currently O-A and D-D have formed one shell, which makes for more players in one shell, and alot of new faces have been showing up.
one of the shells Co-leads has made entrys on the LS community website
Since this shell is just getting off the ground, its a little harder, to recruit members. I've gotten players who've are interested in everything to the actual name of the shell(clannad watcher). or just Plain interesting in the assault part of the shell(which still is setting up). Some i've given pearls to just cause i know them. Though they are not inclined to join us since they are already involved with a shell.
As i've stated in previous entries, i wish to make this the best damn shell in the history of Odin.
From Assualt to ZNMs i'm going to make this shell the most successful(hopefully free to minimual drama)
for the more involved events such as sky/sea/dynam/HNM, i'll probally need to start a bank character or have a sponser to help with these things nothing is set into place yet.
Ichimaru ∆
Friday, June 20, 2008
Update: 6202008
by mistake apperantly.
so as leader of Dango Dai. and Temp Name leader Eirwen of Odin Artist
my plan was to Smoosh, both shells into one
we'll still go by the name of Dango Daikazoku
just have more requirments ^^
i wish you all luck
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hello My Big Dango Family,
Anemonet here your Linkshell Leader.
I would like to thank everyone who joined up with Dango Dai, the other day, i really wasn't expecting a huge turnout like and people who wanted to join. maybe because it is a multi-purpose LS.
I do have plans in the future to make this a huge LS.
And possibly will need to make an application form for future
Plans for the future of this LS will be...
- Farming Runs*
then we will /random for someones idea, highest # wins
then we all farm til everyones inventory is full.
This weeks schedule:
-Anemonet Farming like a crazy-
-LS Blog Layout change-
-Recruiting New LS members-
Next Week:
-Assault Jerkin - OSE Fight- 6-23-08 12pm - 8pm(CST)
Please Bring your highest job and if possible NPC(fellow adventure)
Good Luck
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dango Daikazoku, is a Multi Purpose Linkshell that will cater to the needs of any adventurers need.
The Linkshell will be or do...
- Chat
- Experience/Merit Parties
- Missions
- Notorious Monsters Hunts
- Assault
- Campaign/Campaign Ops(Medals)
- Besieged
- Brenner
- Balistta
20+ job
Deviantart Member
Final Fantasy 11 knowledge
The name is referenced from then Ending theme to the Anime Clannad.
Also Dango is a Rice-Dumpling mostly made in japan
Daikazoku means Big Family
- Drama free please(if you start to argue please take in to /tell)
- No begging
- Help others as much as possible(doesn't apply til more members)
- Ballista or Brenner Challenges must be accepted(like a glove slap duel)
Anemonet: Leader & Creator
Ankhe: Member/Pending sack
Eirwen: Sack
Faithful: Sack
Kiela: Sack
Lelways: pending sack
Maronacchi: pending sack
Taiso: Sack
Wolfwood: Sack
Acaiya: Member
Bhaal: Member
Coejus: Member
Corion: Member
Cyrax: Member
Dethklok: Member
Eggshen: Member
Eleison: Member
Ichimaru: Member
Krymzon: Member
Mugekuge: Member
Naeboyin: Member
Ryuijin: Member
Shugotenshi: Member
Yoshida: Member
AWOL Members
EX Members
Notorious Monsters
Ose-Scheduled for Monday, June 23rd
Adventure Fellow: Optional
70+ job
/tell for info
-Rank: 5-1 - Ruins of Fei'Yin
-Zilart: 1 - The New Frontier
-Promathia: 2-3 - Distant Beliefs
-Aht Urghan: 3 - President Salaheem
-*Wings of the Goddess: 6 - Timeswept Butterfly
*WotG requires some Prequisit quest, to proceed with the current storyline
Cookiecakes: 40 Culinary Apprentice
Anemonet: 10 Culinary Recruit
Intuos: 7 Fishing Ametuer
Eirwen: Cooking 40 - Apprentice
Licorys: Leathercraft 2 - Amateur
Assault and Nyzul Isle
Assault Time: Friday, 9:00pm(CST)(temp)
Nyzul Isle
-NM Death(bstmen general)
-Freelance in Battle
-No Records Currently-
Anemonet: Sterling Star § §